Enrollment & Scholarship Information
2025-2026 Enrollment
Current Students
To reenroll look for your re-enrollment email
log in to Family Portal and go to the Apply/Enroll menu to start.
New students can start enrollment here:
Inquire About Enrolling
2025-2026 Tuition Assistance Program
Apply Now!
The Priority Application Deadline for QCES families to complete and submit their application for tuition assistance for the 2025-2026 school year will be April 4th. FACTS Applications for QCES tuition assistance will be accepted after the April 4th Priority Deadline, but the longer people wait to apply, the less tuition assistance may be available to be awarded to families applying after the April 4th Priority Application Deadline.
The Tuition Assistance Program, coordinated through the QCES Foundation, includes scholarships based on demonstrated financial need. To ensure impartiality and sensitivity to privacy, the schools employ the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment to compile applications for assistance and to recommend amounts to be awarded.
The same application can be used for the Quincy Catholic Elementary Schools and QND. There is a one-time non-refundable online application fee of $32 per family. FACTS accepts all major Credit Cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover).
The FACTS Application must be completed and submitted online. Paper copies cannot be completed and submitted. If you need assistance with completing the online application, please contact the Principal of the school where you wish to enroll your child(ren) and they will be happy to make arrangements for you to receive help in applying and submitting the online FACTS Application.
Depending on your application some or all of the following documents may be required:
Copy of your most recent IRS Federal Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040-EZ U.S. Individual Income Tax Return. If the applicant and co-applicant file separately, we require both tax returns for the same tax year.
Copies of all your most recent W-2 Wage and Tax Statements for both the applicant and co-applicant.
The Priority Deadline is April 4, 2025
2025-2026 Newcomer’s Application Packet
The QCES Foundation Newcomer’s Scholarship is a partially need-based full-tuition scholarship that will be awarded annually to one student in Grades K-8, either Catholic or non-Catholic, whose family does not currently have any children enrolled in one of Quincy’s four Catholic elementary schools. It is non-renewable beyond the first year the student receives the scholarship. However, a QCES Foundation Newcomer’s Scholarship recipient will be eligible to apply for tuition assistance in subsequent years, and any tuition assistance a student may be awarded will be based on the financial need of a student’s family, as determined by the FACTS and the amount of tuition assistance available from the QCES Foundation for that particular school year.
Submission deadline: April 4, 2025
2025-2026 Fr. Tolton Scholarship Application Packet
The Fr. Augustine Tolton Scholarship is a QCES full-tuition scholarship (K-8) for one or more children awarded to one family registered at each of the four Quincy Catholic parishes (Blessed Sacrament, St. Anthony, St. Francis, and St. Peter) who have demonstrated financial need as determined by information on provided by the family on the FACTS Application Form. Since the scholarships are need-based, the names of the four families who are awarded a Fr. Augustine Tolton Scholarship will not be disclosed.
Submission deadline: April 4, 2025
Illinois Tax Credit
Illinois residents are eligible for the Illinois Tax Credit for Private School Tuition and Fees. This tax credit provision allows parents to write off 25% of their eligible education expenses for their children, up to a maximum credit of $750. Eligible expenses include tuition, book fees, and lab fees in excess of $250. Talk to your tax adviser about using this credit.
St. Thomas Aquinas Scholarship
Application Packet
Full-tuition and fees scholarship (K-8) for four students registered at one of the four Quincy Catholic Elementary Schools whose family does not currently have a student enrolled and who has demonstrated financial need as determined by information provided by the family on the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment Application Form. More than one member of a family may receive the scholarship. The scholarship is intended for students of color, non-Catholic students, students below the poverty level, or students with disabilities.
Submission deadline: Thursday, April 4, 2025

The Quincy Knights of Columbus Council 583 is proud to once again offer $500 tuition scholarships to two students from each of the four Quincy Catholic Elementary schools and Quincy Notre Dame for the 2025-2026 school year. The ten scholarships are for students in grades K-12. Winners will be drawn at a regular council meeting on TBA
To qualify for a scholarship, the student
Must attend one of the Catholic elementary schools or Quincy Notre Dame during the 2025-2026 school year
Must be the child or grandchild of a current third-degree member
Must have their name submitted by a third-degree member by TBA
Each K of C Third-Degree member may fill out an entry form for each child or grandchild, but a family may win only one scholarship. Entry forms will be available at the K of C, and all entry forms are to be placed in the red scholarship can at the K of C no later than TBA
If you are a Catholic gentleman and interested in joining the Quincy Knights of Columbus, there are several opportunities between now and the drawing to become a third-degree knight and enter a child(ren) or grandchild(ren) in the drawing. Dues after that are $40 each year.
For more information on the scholarship or to learn more about becoming a third-degree member, contact Bill Anderson at 217-257-2108 or billanders44@gmail.com.
Download the original letter here: https://5il.co/1qyus