Making Pizza from Scratch in 1st Grade! 🥰

Making pizza with Penny Weiman and the fabulous 1st graders!! ❤️

Thank you, Kiwanis, for a grant to purchase snap circuits. Learning about energy is fun!

6-8th grade had a great time celebrating becoming authors of children’s books with their buddies!

PreK and 4th grade buddies learning about Mary

Come to the Lord with thanksgiving!

Lots of excited future Dolphins visited PreK open house last night!

“How to “ drawings continue. By the time we are finished I will be able to draw:). Perhaps you can teach old dogs new tricks with the right teachers:)

The robots have moved into the gym! Our future programmers have arrived!

Thank you, Betty Kasparie, for making Junior Achievement so much fun! Our class brainstormed businesses based on the resources of the region of the country they had.

Junior Achievement has begun in Third Grade:). Thank you Mrs. Pritchett for spending your time:)

Dr Seuss week was a success with our Pre-K class! We had fun making “Cat in the Hat” masks and creating some “wacky” drawings!!

2nd grade collected baby items and $186 for Birthright of Quincy. Thanks to all who donated.

A how to drawing of the night.

More “How to” papers! So proud of my 3rd Graders:). I am learning how to draw from them!

Luke read How To Make a Pizza at school and now is making one at home!!! Way to go Luke!! ❤️

Beautiful day for outside recess!

Dear Jesus... ❤️

Character Traits in 1st Grade! ❤️

Read Across America K and 8