Making Pizza from Scratch in 1st Grade! 🥰
almost 4 years ago, Molly Stroot
SO much fun!
Oh Yum!
We love Mrs. Weiman!
Learning about how to make a pizza!
Making pizza with Penny Weiman and the fabulous 1st graders!! ❤️
almost 4 years ago, Molly Stroot
Eating the pizza!
Baking pizza!
Ohhhhh yum!
Making pizza!
Thank you, Kiwanis, for a grant to purchase snap circuits. Learning about energy is fun!
almost 4 years ago, Katie ONeal
snap circuits
snap circuits
snap circuits
snap circuits
6-8th grade had a great time celebrating becoming authors of children’s books with their buddies!
almost 4 years ago, Hope Glidewell
PreK and 4th grade buddies learning about Mary
almost 4 years ago, Katie ONeal
Come to the Lord with thanksgiving!
almost 4 years ago, St. Dominic School
Come to the Lord with thanksgiving!
Lots of excited future Dolphins visited PreK open house last night!
almost 4 years ago, Katie ONeal
“How to “ drawings continue. By the time we are finished I will be able to draw:). Perhaps you can teach old dogs new tricks with the right teachers:)
almost 4 years ago, Meg Benner
Our Artists!
Ava teaching:)
The robots have moved into the gym! Our future programmers have arrived!
almost 4 years ago, Meg Benner
Logan computers .
Computer programming .
Computer activity.
Robots everywhere !
Thank you, Betty Kasparie, for making Junior Achievement so much fun! Our class brainstormed businesses based on the resources of the region of the country they had.
almost 4 years ago, Katie ONeal
junior achievement
Junior Achievement has begun in Third Grade:). Thank you Mrs. Pritchett for spending your time:)
almost 4 years ago, Meg Benner
Mrs. Pritchett .
Dr Seuss week was a success with our Pre-K class! We had fun making “Cat in the Hat” masks and creating some “wacky” drawings!!
almost 4 years ago, Mollie Ozment
boys with their “cat” masks
wacky drawings!
wacky drawings
girls with their “Cat” masks
2nd grade collected baby items and $186 for Birthright of Quincy. Thanks to all who donated.
almost 4 years ago, Sharon Phillips
A how to drawing of the night.
almost 4 years ago, Meg Benner
Hard at work!
Addison’s drawing!
Colin’s drawing!
Another project !
More “How to” papers! So proud of my 3rd Graders:). I am learning how to draw from them!
almost 4 years ago, Meg Benner
Project sea.
sea picture !
Working on white board .
Gabriel’s project .
Luke read How To Make a Pizza at school and now is making one at home!!! Way to go Luke!! ❤️
almost 4 years ago, Molly Stroot
Luke read How to Make a Pizza and is REALLY making a pizza at home!! You’re awesome, Luke!! ☘️
Beautiful day for outside recess!
almost 4 years ago, Katie ONeal
Dear Jesus... ❤️
almost 4 years ago, Molly Stroot
Character Traits in 1st Grade! ❤️
almost 4 years ago, Molly Stroot
loving our rainbows! 💕
adjective makers!
Read Across America K and 8
almost 4 years ago, Leah Waters
K and 8 Read Across America